My Bag of Squid

.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Microsoft drags its feet -- you should not care!

Microsoft plans April 11 for super critical IE bug fix:
THE SOFTWARE giant Microsoft has been slammed for dragging its feet in providing a patch for its latest Internet Exploder flaw.

Vole wants to wait until April 11 to release a patch for the bug which is already being used by hackers on hundreds of Web sites. If a user goes to one of these sites, they will have the bonnet of their computers opened, and dodgy software jacked-in in a twinkling of an eye, says security outfit eEye.
Yeah. It's super-critical, so maybe you'll get a fix in two weeks. What part of this doesn't enrage you? Which part of this doesn't disgust you? Which part of this doesn't make you want to go get your money back - 5/6 of which went directly to profit anyway - and go run something else on your computer?

You suck. Go here and get a patch from guys who are doing Microsoft's job for them. Go there, get a band-aid, and try to tell yourself that you're not shooting yourself in the foot by using such a buggy, insecure piece of software that even its maker has all but disowned. Try to convince yourself that 'included' means 'okay', and that you didn't waste too much money on that piece of crap.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Meatpacker has to Sue to actually Test his own Beef?

Unknown News:
WASHINGTON -- A Kansas meatpacker has sparked an industry fight by proposing testing all the company's cattle for mad cow disease.
Now, that's odd. Why would a meatpacker have to sue just to test its own beef?
Creekstone Farms Premium Beef wants to look for the disease in every animal it processes. The Agriculture Department has said no. Creekstone says it intends to sue the department.
That's odd too: why would Agriculture say no?
The department and larger meat companies oppose comprehensive testing, saying it cannot assure food safety. Testing rarely detects the disease in younger animals, the source of most meat.
Okay, but I guess the question is still, why not let this company perform whatever tests it wants? Sure, it may be useless and it may cause other people to decide whether to also employ a test which we currently think is partly useless, but, still, why not let them spend their own money testing their own product how they want, as long as they don't miss out on some required testing? It seems that the Dept of Agriculture should be there to ensure against inadequate testing, not testing which it believes today to be worthless.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Stop Surfing Porn with IE

Security Fix - Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security - (
Security experts are warning that at least one set of instructions showing bad guys how to exploit an unpatched security hole in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser have been posted online, and that malicious Web sites are likely to begin using the blueprints to install spyware and other unwanted junk on visitors' Windows computers.
There. And, since the most nefarious of sites, those which will probably empoloy these techniques, are probably porn sites, you have now been told the second-best way of avoiding problems like this.

Of course, the best way of avoiding browser problems is to fucking-well stop using the browser shipped with your operating system - like the lame free toaster you got with your chequing account, you nitwit - and use something that is actually secure. Fucktard.

Oklahoma city threatens to call FBI over 'renegade' Linux maker | The Register

Oklahoma city threatens to call FBI over 'renegade' Linux maker | The Register:
The heartland turned vicious this week when an Oklahoma town threatened to call in the FBI because its web site was hacked by Linux maker Cent OS. Problem is CentOS didn't hack Tuttle's web site at all. The city's hosting provider had simply botched a web server.

This tale kicked off yesterday when Tuttle's city manager Jerry Taylor fired off an angry message to the CentOS staff. [Mr] Taylor had popped onto the city's web site and found the standard Apache server configuration boilerplate that appears with a new web server installation. [Mr] Taylor seemed to confuse this with a potential hack attack on the bustling town's IT infrastructure.

"Who gave you permission to invade my website and block me and anyone else from accessing it???," [Mr] Taylor wrote to CentOS. "Please remove your software immediately before I report it to government officials!! I am the City Manager of Tuttle, Oklahoma."
Ye Gods. I don't expect City Managers to be all-knowing, but can we expect them to at least listen and communicate with the people trying to help them? Can we please expect them to act like normal, intelligent humans instead of arrogant accusers?

And should we continue to help them when faced with such belligerence and boorishness?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Athletes 'go missing from Games'

BBC NEWS | Athletes 'go missing from Games':
Australian police say nine athletes have gone missing from the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

They include seven competitors from Sierra Leone, along with others from Tanzania and Bangladesh.

Team officials have said they have no idea if the athletes are hoping to apply for asylum in Australia.
I know how I'm betting. I don't know how Tanzania is, politically speaking, but I hear Bangladesh is overcrowded and becoming polluted, and Sierra Leone guys will probably not get shot in Australia.

If I was them? I'd hop the fence and make a mad dash for the promised land. Heck, it'd be the only reason I tried out for the olympics. I'd love to immigrate to Australia, and I'm not even getting shot at or impovrished in my home land..

Monday, March 20, 2006

Dale Will Spooge

Jon’s Thoughts On Everything � Transpodder: Automatically Get Your Shows Into Your iPod:
Transpodder parses your specified folder for the shows you have told it to look for. When it finds a show, it transcodes it to an iPod safe format and saves it to your specified folder. Each show has its own separate folder with all of the episodes named very nicely. Transpodder then reads that folder and creates a podcasting RSS feed for your show containing all of the available episodes. By adding this feed to iTunes, all of your future shows will be downloaded by iTunes automatically.
I can just see Dlae's reaction to this one. He'll have an iPod by the end of the week, I'll wager; even if he has to sleep in the Dog House for a month! But, in his defense, I mean, c'mon: ya plug your ipod in and get new TV shows. Can it get any cooler than that?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

village voice > news > China’s Execution, Inc. by Erik Baard and Rebecca Cooney

village voice > news > China’s Execution, Inc. by Erik Baard and Rebecca Cooney:
Three years ago, Dr. Thomas Diflo's moral nightmare walked into his examination room: a patient freshly implanted with a kidney bought from China's death row, where prisoners are killed—sometimes for minor offenses—and their organs harvested.
I read this article with nothing of the horror I should have had, I guess, for, by the end, I was almost sympathetic with the PRC over the harvesting of organs from executees.

Is it wrong to believe that there's nothing wrong with harvesting organs from executed prisoners? I fully agree that a certain air of corruption should be cleaned up - such as the kickbacks and early-warnings of healthy prisoners sent to their deaths for as little as petty theft - but I really do believe that a condemned prisoner should have the ability and maybe the duty to donate something of themself at their death, so that their death can at least bring about some good.

I was actually disappointed to learn that, in America, prisoners have the freedom to watch TV or wage gang wars/rapes in prison but cannot decide to do a thing so noble as donating their organs. Someone explain why prisoners are almost completely barred from even volunteering to donate an organ or two? Sometimes I question whether our inmates have too many rights, but this is one case where I think they have too little!

Show me where I'm wrong, here. I need to understand.

Overheard in New York: The Voice of the City - I Don't Hear Her Complaining, Jan

Overheard in New York: The Voice of the City - I Don't Hear Her Complaining, Jan:
Power walker guy: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Power walker lady: Yeah, 27.
Power walker guy: How many?
Power walker lady: I am number 14 of 28 children.

--Central Park
Oh. My. God. Someone needs to learn about over-population, contraception and maybe a bit of women's suffrage.

Friday, March 17, 2006

330 MPG! Strange-looking Aptera Hybrid

Inside Line: 330 MPG! Aptera Hybrid Promises Amazing Mileage for Less Than $20,000:
CARLSBAD, Calif. — Accelerated Composites LLC, a small startup company here, said it is developing the Aptera, a two-seat hybrid passenger car delivering 330 mpg at a steady 65 miles per hour — at a price under $20,000.

The company said the car, which may be ready for production in two years, will have acceleration and handling similar to that of the Honda Insight hybrid. The first Aptera prototype may be ready by March.

The prototype under construction will be powered by a single-cylinder, 12-horsepower diesel engine and a 24-horsepower DC electric motor, and will have a continuously variable transmission. Power is delivered through a single rear wheel mounted on a composite swing arm. The car is expected to have an electronically limited top speed of 95 miles per hour and an estimated 0-to-60-mph acceleration of 11 seconds.
So that's, um, about 10 times what we normally hope to get? Okay. Let's summarise:
  • orgasmic gas mileage: basically, you fill up your car after having it serviced.
  • bizarre shape: Is this thing a car?!? It unfortunately looks like a toy my doggie passed on his morning walk.
  • composite body: hit anything, and the whole thing shatters into a million sharp little shards of plastic-like stuff.
  • slow acceleration: get used to the sound of people honking on the on-ramp, unless you live where I do, and people can't seem to understand that merging involves motion.
I'd still get one, if I had the money and it could definitely get my mass up this steep-ass curvy hill I have to drive. I'd especially consider one if I only got five times the gas mileage but they threw in a 4th wheel. Like my dog, I prefer my automobiles to have all four wheels.

Super Strong Artificial Muscles Could Power Next Generation Of Robots

Super Strong Artificial Muscles Could Power Next Generation Of Robots:
Nanotechnology researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) have made chemically powered artificial muscles that are up to 100 times stronger than natural muscles. Fueled by alcohol or hydrogen, the muscles are also able to do 100 times more work per cycle than natural muscles.
Okay, that's just spooky : super-strong robots fueled by booze?
The more than 30 times higher energy density obtainable from fuels like alcohol, compared to that for the most advanced batteries, can translate into much longer operational lifetimes without refueling.
Tell me I'm not the only guy to immediately think of Futurama!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Airline screeners fail government bomb tests - Lisa Myers & the NBC Investigative Unit -

Airline screeners fail government bomb tests - Lisa Myers & the NBC Investigative Unit -
Government sources tell NBC News that federal investigators recently were able to carry materials needed to make a similar homemade bomb through security screening at 21 airports.

In all 21 airports tested, no machine, no swab, no screener anywhere stopped the bomb materials from getting through. Even when investigators deliberately triggered extra screening of bags, no one discovered the materials.
Yeah. In 21 trials of the new, uber-safe security measures, feds defeated the highly-trained security personnel and their high-tech gadgets 21 times. Let me put this another way:
Anti-terrorism: 0
Fake Terrorists: 21
So think of that when you're taking off your shoes and belt and surrendering your tweezers just to board the aircraft, grandma. The latest indignity to befall you at the hands of King George is completely and utterly
w o r t h l e s s !

Torontoist: Worth Its Weight In Gold

Torontoist: Worth Its Weight In Gold:
Mark Budzanowski, who was captured yesterday by Palestinian extremists, was released by his captors after they found his Canadian passport. The Globe puts in on the cover of today's paper.

'When they were certain I was Canadian, they were very disappointed. Then, they told me, 'We love Canada.' That's wonderful to hear when you have guns pointed at you....' Budzanowski said

In a strange twist one of his captors even gave him a contact number for the Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (the group that held Budzanowski) if he needed any help in the future. Apparently they also questioned him about various shops on Carlton Street, where Budzanowski lives in Toronto.
Well, then. I bet I know which piece of travelling gear is the most popular this year, then.

Gotta make sure I get one of those.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Californian Sues Self For Car Accident - News - Californian Sues Self For Car Accident:
LODI, Calif. -- A Lodi man is suing the city for driving a dump truck into his car. The strange thing is that he was the city employee driving the truck.

Lodi officials denied Curtis Gokey's $3,600 claim for the December accident because he was, in essence, suing himself. So he and his wife, Rhonda, decided to file a new claim under her name.

Rhonda Gokey's claim is for $1,200 more than Curtis'. She said that she is not as nice as her husband.
So, lemme make sure I have that correctly:
  1. Get a job with the Municipality
  2. Drive into my own car
  3. Have my wife/aunt/dog sue the City
  4. Profit!!

Nice one. The marks will never see it comi-oh, well, then, good luck with the second attempt then.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Blog | George Clooney: I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!

George Clooney: I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!:
one of the things we absolutely need to agree on is the idea that we're all allowed to question authority. We have to agree that it's not unpatriotic to hold our leaders accountable and to speak out.
In the first post in his blog, Mr Clooney talks pretty hard.

I can't wait for the second post, and I hope he's not black-listed.

School Moves to Block Bully

In a move which I think is RockStar Games thumbing its nose at its impotent protestors, Rockstar Games is now releasing a games called Bully. Of course, the new protest has begun:

MP attacks school bullying game:
According to the Miami Herald, School Board member Frank Bolaños proposed a resolution to pressure Rockstar into withholding the release of the action game, which is set in a reform school, asking local merchants not to carry the game and urging parents not to buy the game.

''This game is built entirely around bullies and is staged in a school -- it's the antithesis of everything we're trying to promote,'' he said.
ha ha ha!

I'm amused that RockStar Games is plumbing the well to those depths, and also that people still think that government or organized dissent can achieve what their own failed parenting wasn't able. The question isn't whether they will be more relevant in a group; I'm wondering if this effort will truly assuage the unconscious guilt they must feel when they discovered their neglected little angels were already hellions at school. This way, at least, they have a scapegoat to focus on.

Update: Even Jack Thompson, who I'm sure everyone has written about before, is on this bandwagon. I'm sure his voice of reason will make the difference. Didn't he sue PvP because they parodied him?

Britney Spears changes baby on Restaurant Table

Britney Spears is unsanitary - The Superficial - "
Britney Spears horrified customers when she started changing her baby on a restaurant table in Los Angeles.
One said: 'It was disgusting. Someone else has got to eat at that table. Yuck.' The restaurant manager is quoted in Britain's News of the World newspaper as saying: 'It's Britney Spears. What can we do?'
Are we sick of this yet?

I'm not really talking about Ms Spears, so much as I am talking about the glorification of child-possession and the extra rights afforded to new mothers. Why is it apparently sinful to show a woman's breast at any time other than when a child has 'latched on' - because 'sucking' is an icky word - and feeding away? Walk into a fast food restaurant and scope out the teen mothers sucking back cheeseburgers and milkshakes with their rapidly deflating tits hanging out, future convicts greedily lapping away.

C'mon, people, that's fucking promotion of child pornography! Teens either should be partially nude in public, or should not be. I know where I stand on the issue, but I'm not sure how few people actually agree with me.

And that's just one example. I'm absolutely disgusted at how apparently a baby's shyte in the middle of a restaurant or living-room is apparently no longer a big deal to the mother of said inmate. Um, how the fuck did the public display of excrement ever become acceptable? If you won't change the diaper immediately - because junior may as well 'finish' before you'll change him, like you'd rather ensure the costly pampers unearthed in 10,000 years by archaeologists has a bountiful fecal sample - then use at least use two of the brain cells you didn't waste on contraception concerns and take juniour to the appropriate locale for that kind of thing.

Be a good mother-of-twelve and an acceptable restaurant patron. Mkae your parents a bit more proud.

Isaac 'Chef' Hayes quits 'South Park'

Isaac 'Chef' Hayes quits 'South Park':
Soul singer Isaac Hayes, voice of the Yoda-esque 'Chef' character in Comedy Central's 'South Park', said he was quitting the show after nine seasons, citing 'inappropriate ridicule' of religion as the reason.
Stop laughing. Religious Intolerance is not funny.

We should all be equally tolerant of all religions. I think Mssrs Parker and Stone agree:
Past episodes of South Park have skewered Catholics, Jews and Mormons, among others. However, according to Stone, he and Parker "never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology.

"He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin," Stone told the Associated Press.
Well, I'm glad that the two parties agree, in a way.
In January 2006, [Mr] Hayes told the New York Daily News that he loved the "humor in it, the audacity of Matt and Trey."

"Nobody is exempt from their humor," he said. "They're equal-opportunity offenders. Don't be offended by it. If you take it too seriously, you have problems."
Oddly enough, I think Mr Hayes took it too seriously when it hit too close to home, and that's unfortunate, especially so soon after he told members of other religions, essentially, to get over themselves.

Currently I'm waiting for the Vegas betting pool to open on just which snide phrase is used in the episode where the Chef character is killed. My favourite is
"Clam-bake? Oh, I love bakin' them clams!"

Monday, March 13, 2006

Red Hat OS update goes to 64 CPUs and beyond | The Register

Red Hat OS update goes to 64 CPUs and beyond | The Register:
Customers can now run Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Opteron and Xeon servers with up to 64 logical CPUs. The same processor count now applies for IBM's Power chips too. The small club of Itanium processor users already had the luxury of running Red Hat across 64-processor boxes.
Excellent! Now you are where AT&T Unix was, 7 years ago, via SCO. But Linux is still better than Unix, right?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Joseph DuRocher: Letter to President Bush [Candide's Notebooks]

Joseph DuRocher: Letter to President Bush [Candide's Notebooks]:
... I return enclosed the symbols of my years of service: the shoulder boards of my rank and my Naval Aviator’s wings.

Until your administration, I believed it was inconceivable that the United States would ever initiate an aggressive and preemptive war against a country that posed no threat to us. Until your administration, I thought it was impossible for our nation to take hundreds of persons into custody without provable charges of any kind ...
Can a former naval officer be anti-troops, or is he finally one person who can be anti-Bush without being labeled anti-American?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

BBC NEWS | Technology | Origami folds under expectation

BBC NEWS | Technology | Origami folds under expectation:
[Mr Gates] envisioned a gadget that ran all day on a single battery charge, cost less than $500 (�300), had a touch screen and ran games, music and multimedia.
Unfortunately, early information about the first Origami device, aka the ultra-portable PC, shows that the reality falls far short of the glossy video and Bill Gates' hopes.

Gone though are the low price and long battery life.

As many Microsoft watchers have pointed out, the first version of the ultra-portable PC does nothing that other, cheaper devices do not do.
And I think that explains most of it for me. I'll get one of those Fujitsu Lifebooks with the convertible touchpad screen.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Still Evolving

Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story - New York Times:
Providing the strongest evidence yet that humans are still evolving, researchers have detected some 700 regions of the human genome where genes appear to have been reshaped by natural selection, a principal force of evolution, within the last 5,000 to 15,000 years.
Find the gene that prevents yanks from hooting like gibbons and invading sandy countries, or maybe the one that has us falling for any shyster with a salvation story and a song-and-dance, and we may just see world peace.
The genes that show this evolutionary change include some responsible for the senses of taste and smell, digestion, bone structure, skin color and brain function.
Okay, seriously. This article is pretty cool; shows we're not yet done getting better at the more esoteric stuff, now that we - mostly - don't need to defend ourselves from maurauding yanks or tyrannosaurs.

Is George Clooney the UberMan? Homo Sapiens MetroSapiens?
The finding adds substantially to the evidence that human evolution did not grind to a halt in the distant past, as is tacitly assumed by many social scientists. Even evolutionary psychologists, who interpret human behavior in terms of what the brain evolved to do, hold that the work of natural selection in shaping the human mind was completed in the pre-agricultural past, more than 10,000 years ago.
I can only hope that the appearance of intelligence - geekiness in all its forms - will soon begin to become apparent as a major factor in natural selection. Considering the rate at which superstitious morons and toothless yokels seem to breed, though, I shudder to consider just which genes may be actively under the radar.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

BBC NEWS | Americas | US state tightens abortion laws

BBC NEWS | Americas | US state tightens abortion laws:
The South Dakota law - approved by the governor on Monday - makes it a crime for doctors to perform terminations.

Exceptions will be made if a woman's life is at risk, but not in cases of rape or incest.
Ha ha ha. Man, I have to laugh, just so I don't cry. You'd think it was the early 1900s, with all the suspension of women's rights, rather than the early 2000s. I shuuder think of what is coming next: voting? School access?

Maybe South Dakotan women should just stay in the kitchen, shoeless and pregnant? Is that the kind of equality and freedom your country stands for?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Security Fix - Brian Krebs - Street-Level Security Fraud

Security Fix - Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security - (
Until recently, Las Vegas police officers couldn't figure out why some of the prostitutes and drug addicts they arrested were found carrying multiple hotel room keys and slot machine player's club cards. When confronted, the suspects said they kept them as souvenirs or found them on the sidewalk.
This article starts out interesting and just goes sideways. Apparently, though, the cards are either being found or bought - not a big deal since hotel key-cards are intedned to become all but useless after about a day, and easier to replace than a room key - but that's where it gets interesting: they're a cheap source of a swipe-card which can be over-written. And that's why this got interesting:

The mystery began to unravel when a LVMPD officer slid one of the keys through a machine that reads the data stored on the card's magnetic stripe. Each swipe revealed a 16-digit credit number, a date, a person's name and the name of a bank. That's right, the keys functioned exactly like credit cards, allowing the carrier to pay for merchandise at any store or market where customers do their own swiping.

"The people who had these cards on them were using them in transactions with local businesses," Cobb said.

The cards, we can assume, can be swiped just like regular cards. Card readers - since they don't need to be any more sophisticated than the door locks in a hotel - can be found anywhere; one guy in a Wal-Mart told me how to do it with an old VCR. The tools to inscribe a room-key with new data? Also as common as an old VCR.

So where do we find lists of credit-card numbers in a town where way too many people owe way too much money to someone else? You'll find that the stories of nefarious Internet People aren't overtly and completely to blame here, so it's probably not gonna make the major news.
... it is not unusual for service-industry workers who owe money to a drug dealer or a bookie to be handed a handheld magnetic stripe "skimmer" and ordered to periodically collect up to 100 accounts as a means of erasing their debt.
And there you go. How many of us use our Visas at the hotel restaurant since it's an easy means of tracking what you spent on the trip? You too? Yeah. I think it's debit time for me again.
"By the time the bottom feeders get the cards, the data on them has already been shared with the organized criminals, who will bang on a credit card though mail-order and Internet purchases," Berghel said. At that point the cards are "throwaways that can only be used a couple of times before they're canceled."
Yeah, okay, so here's the Internet hook. Maybe we will see 20-20 doing an exposé on this one. I just don't think they'll focus too much on the source of the cards being the lowly indentured waiter, personally; do you think they'd rather cause a travel panic in a really bad between-hurricanes travel year and lose a chance to play up an Internet is Evil angle?

Anyway, kids, don't be using your visa except in a machine, and if you have to give it to anyone - clerk or cashier - don't let it out of your sight.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Latest Scam
This is the latest scam you should watch out for:

I was the victim of the latest scam now occurring in shopping mall parking lots. Two good looking young women come to your car as you are parking. One starts wiping your windshield with a rag and the other comes to your window and bends over so far her breasts just about fall out of her blouse. While you're distracted, the other one lets herself in the back seat and then they both start begging you for a ride home.

Be very wary, because as soon as you start driving, one of them will take off her shirt and rubs her breasts on you while the other climbs over the seat and unzips your pants.

This is when they steal your wallet. I was robbed last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I couldn't find them on Saturday or Sunday.
Ha ha ha. I found that on the comments section of Joe 'Fear Factor' Rogan's blog:
I’m a myspace whore.

There, I said it. I feel much better now.

I don’t know how it happened, but it’s official now. I’m on here all the time when I’m supposed to be doing other shit, and I’m obsessed with my friend count.

I answer hundreds of emails a day, many of them from very cool people, but many more from people that would lose a spelling bee to a fucking toilet seat.
I think I like him already.

Rumour has it, 90% of the American Senate are Idiots

Senate Passes Legislation to Renew Patriot Act - New York Times:
WASHINGTON, March 2 — The Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation renewing the sweeping antiterror law known as the USA Patriot Act on Thursday, ending a months-long impasse on Capitol Hill and virtually guaranteeing that the measure will go to President Bush to be signed.

The vote of 89 to 10, followed an agreement last month by the White House to add more protections for individual privacy. That deal mollified four Senate Republicans, who had joined with Democrats last year in blocking the bill, an extension of a law enacted after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.
"It's amazing that these people keep on digging themselves deeper. With not a single attempt at spreading 'democracy' to Arabic and African nations meeting with anything like 'success,' with scandal after exposed cover-up after lie, these people seem to enjoy eroding every single part of the foundation on which their country was built.
Built, stolen, faked, whatever.
I'm beginnng to wonder, having read about My Lai and Manifest Destiny and after seeing the total disregard for anyone out of arm's reach, just what part of that country was founded on princples and equality. Sure, they have their constitution and bill of rights, but that's a few acts of decency in a past charged with race riots, segregation, religious zealots on both sides of the law; and I'm beginning to think that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were one of only a few things they actually got right.
Oh, they're fucked now, too. Well and soundly fucked. But I guess the country you get is the one you elect.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Meditation On the Speed Limit - Google Video

A Meditation On the Speed Limit - Google Video
This is amazing, even if it's not surprising. This kind of thing comes around every year or two: what happened if one actually obeyed all the rules of the road? What if one did exactly the speed limit? Why, that person would be a hero!

What if enough people were involved so that all lanes of the road were occupied by such heroes? It'd be a miracle! Oh, for us all to be so law-abiding. I'd be proud to have those people driving on the roadway with me. I'd follow them, far past where required, as a form of encouragement. Why, we'd take our little law-abiding convoy all the way to Canada!

Go see. Plan a similar event on your own, very soon. Now, if only we had this great, big, busy highway nearby ..

(from I'm a Human Inbox)