Senate Passes Legislation to Renew Patriot Act - New York Times:
WASHINGTON, March 2 — The Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation renewing the sweeping antiterror law known as the USA Patriot Act on Thursday, ending a months-long impasse on Capitol Hill and virtually guaranteeing that the measure will go to President Bush to be signed.
The vote of 89 to 10, followed an agreement last month by the White House to add more protections for individual privacy. That deal mollified four Senate Republicans, who had joined with Democrats last year in blocking the bill, an extension of a law enacted after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.
"It's amazing that these people keep on digging themselves deeper. With not a single attempt at spreading 'democracy' to Arabic and African nations meeting with anything
like 'success,' with scandal after exposed cover-up after lie, these people seem to enjoy eroding every single part of the foundation on which their country was built.
Built, stolen, faked, whatever.
I'm beginnng to wonder, having read about My Lai and Manifest Destiny and after seeing the total disregard for anyone out of arm's reach, just what part of that country was founded on princples and equality. Sure, they have their constitution and bill of rights, but that's a few acts of decency in a past charged with race riots, segregation, religious zealots on both sides of the law; and I'm beginning to think that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were one of only a few things they actually got right.
Oh, they're fucked now, too. Well and soundly fucked. But I guess the country you get is the one you elect.
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