My Bag of Squid
.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I've enabled the stoopid image verification thingy, and I hate you for forcing me to use such a childish tool.
The US Government eats its own young, elderly and veterans
It's difficult to get more reprehensible than this:
Hey, since all the money's going to porky contracts for Mr Bush's friends, I wonder if this will all seem extra insulting when it's all enacted. Yay!
I'm appalled. Any yank who wants to move into my house as s/he pursues a refugee immigration claim is welcome to do so; it's obvious that your country will soon be completely fucked and firmly in the second world."Operation Offset" is what the Republicans are calling their budget cut plan to pay for Hurricane Katrina. Will there be tax cuts for the rich? Nope. The great majority of the proposed cuts target the elderly and the poor, heavily targeting Medicare. They eliminate all federal funding for energy conservation, the "Energy Star" program, energy efficient vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, high-speed rail, light rail, PBS, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, AmeriCorps, the "Even Start" program, the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, security/anti-drug funding for innercity schools, and all federal loans to grad students. Also facing cuts are the Global AIDS Initiative, the EPA, the Center for Disease Control, pensions and healthcare plans for retired federal workers, job programs and revitalization funds for poor neighborhoods, the school lunch program, community health centers, and health care for soldiers.
posted by insomnia_lj at 4:37 PM PST - 64 comments
Hey, since all the money's going to porky contracts for Mr Bush's friends, I wonder if this will all seem extra insulting when it's all enacted. Yay!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Thank you for your god's assessment of my life

Just fuck off with your fucking daily interpretations of my life according to whatever Flying Spaghetti Monster god you worship. Okay? Your enthusiasm and need to believe in the religion of the week is really important to you, but really, I'm serious: I don't care if his noodly appendage reached out and touched you personally and individually every day this week: your beliefs are no more real to me than those of the next pastafarian.
We see this as some kind of elitism. So keep it to yourself and reduce the amount with which we misinterpret your easter-bunnyism as some kinda holier-than-thou shit.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Starbucks Quivers and Hides From a Threat Not Present

Oh. Well. They chose to remove the fucking statement because it could fucking offend others.WACO, Texas – Coffee cups with a gay author's quote about growing up homosexual have been pulled from Baylor University's Starbucks coffee shop.
Dining contractor Aramark pulled the cups earlier this month from the campus store following an e-mail sent to Baylor's dining service, saying the quote was inappropriate at a Baptist University.
Aramark, which oversees the coffee outlet, consulted with Starbucks' district office and removed the cups to avoid offending others, Baylor officials said Monday.
Well, asshole, I'm offended. Was I one of the others you polled to see if it was offensive? No. Of course not. Hell, I bet you didn't poll anything beyond your own fucking lint-encrusted navel, you censoring louse.
What the hell happened to the free speech you people priase so much? Anyone fucking heard of it lately? I sure as hell haven't seen hide nor hair of it in the last little while. Did anyone complain? Probably not.
The real problem, apparently, is that you're too fucking chickenshit to support an inspirational message if it even suggests something that may offend .. hmm .. whom again? Which of your customers do you think would be such a tight-assed pissant fuckwad that he or she would find a random throwaway paragraph offensive? What the hell kind of country have you dumb-asses let yourselves become when you worry about nonexistent customers far out of your client base that may potentially become offended by such a courageous statement as "I used to hide my nature but now I don't." ? Which is it? And can you stand to lose the $2 a year they'd spend in your store?
My fucking christ, you quivering nancies. Grow some fucking balls. Why is it that a foreign countryman cares more about your own neighbours' rights to be the kind of people they need to be, and you can't even go so far to acknowledge their presence and voice?
You fucking cowards.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
This Levee won't Break
The Benton Courier: "I was a Bill Clinton supporter. When the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, it was an embarrassment to all of us. There was no justification for his behavior or his lies. There's no way around that.I'm continually amazed that so many people can manically and maniacally support this loser even after so much of what he says is shown to be patently false. It's no less than sheer arrogance that a person would continue to appear so dishonest, especially when one considers how rabidly the same loyal dogs descended on Bill Clinton.
His actions in that scandal will haunt him the rest of his life. It will also mar what was otherwise a fairly effective presidency, as current events and historians are already bearing out.
But despite a George W. Bush presidency filled with lies and inexcusable fiascos, his supporters usually answer with one thing: 'At least he didn't use the White House to get a (insert favorite name here for Clinton's favorite sexual act).'
They will not acknowledge that this administration has been a mess. They won't truly consider the seriousness of what this administration has wrought and the lengths it has traveled to accomplish its predetermined agenda.
It continues up to the moment, with Halliburton and other Bush supporters' companies being given no-bid contracts for Gulf Coast cleanup just as they were in Iraq.
It goes on and on, but you won't hear that from the 39 percent (AP-Ipsos) who still say George W. is doing a good job as president. They'll simply continue telling us that the president is not having sex in the White House.
Thank goodness for that."
Mike Dougherty, Editor
Friday, September 09, 2005
Microsoft Tries to Recruit ESR
According to Eric Raymond himself, Microsoft tried to recruit him to the company recently.
You know, I have a lot of respect for Mr Raymond, but I used to have more, and I definitely had more respect for him seeing the 'Thanks but no thanks' message he sent to the recruiter at MS. That's to say that I think ESR's response to MS is entirely unprofessional and inappropriate.
Sure, okay, ESR hates MS for things MS has done to the rest of us, and sure, ESR heads up the OSS movement. Yeah, ESR's broken the news on the Hallowe'en Documents whenever they've come out. Okay. We get that, not that we voted him in as Judge. But what kind of an arrogance provokes someone to write such an sneering and mocking response as the one ESR wrote to MS? Calling the entire offer a 'joke', for instance, is just too far.
I'm really, really disappointed that ESR thought the entire thing was funny, and that he can't be professional and businesslike for 2 fucking minutes. This is juvenile.
You know, I have a lot of respect for Mr Raymond, but I used to have more, and I definitely had more respect for him seeing the 'Thanks but no thanks' message he sent to the recruiter at MS. That's to say that I think ESR's response to MS is entirely unprofessional and inappropriate.
Sure, okay, ESR hates MS for things MS has done to the rest of us, and sure, ESR heads up the OSS movement. Yeah, ESR's broken the news on the Hallowe'en Documents whenever they've come out. Okay. We get that, not that we voted him in as Judge. But what kind of an arrogance provokes someone to write such an sneering and mocking response as the one ESR wrote to MS? Calling the entire offer a 'joke', for instance, is just too far.
I'm really, really disappointed that ESR thought the entire thing was funny, and that he can't be professional and businesslike for 2 fucking minutes. This is juvenile.