Starbucks Quivers and Hides From a Threat Not Present

Oh. Well. They chose to remove the fucking statement because it could fucking offend others.WACO, Texas – Coffee cups with a gay author's quote about growing up homosexual have been pulled from Baylor University's Starbucks coffee shop.
Dining contractor Aramark pulled the cups earlier this month from the campus store following an e-mail sent to Baylor's dining service, saying the quote was inappropriate at a Baptist University.
Aramark, which oversees the coffee outlet, consulted with Starbucks' district office and removed the cups to avoid offending others, Baylor officials said Monday.
Well, asshole, I'm offended. Was I one of the others you polled to see if it was offensive? No. Of course not. Hell, I bet you didn't poll anything beyond your own fucking lint-encrusted navel, you censoring louse.
What the hell happened to the free speech you people priase so much? Anyone fucking heard of it lately? I sure as hell haven't seen hide nor hair of it in the last little while. Did anyone complain? Probably not.
The real problem, apparently, is that you're too fucking chickenshit to support an inspirational message if it even suggests something that may offend .. hmm .. whom again? Which of your customers do you think would be such a tight-assed pissant fuckwad that he or she would find a random throwaway paragraph offensive? What the hell kind of country have you dumb-asses let yourselves become when you worry about nonexistent customers far out of your client base that may potentially become offended by such a courageous statement as "I used to hide my nature but now I don't." ? Which is it? And can you stand to lose the $2 a year they'd spend in your store?
My fucking christ, you quivering nancies. Grow some fucking balls. Why is it that a foreign countryman cares more about your own neighbours' rights to be the kind of people they need to be, and you can't even go so far to acknowledge their presence and voice?
You fucking cowards.
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