My Bag of Squid

.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Fake Ice Cream Truck Embarasses Mothers; Mothers attempt to Appease Egos

WNDU-TV: Story: Fake ice cream truck just a prank - April 28, 2005

Strangers, apparently, have the best candy .. or is it that some mothers need to educate children just a bit more on Stranger == Danger? I think this news story proved one of those two theories, and threw in a bonus theory: some mothers don't like to have it known that they haven't a clue how to raise a child.

Gtk+ 2.6.7 for windows is out!

GIMP - Windows installers

Showing a support level unmatched by the industrious and reliable folks at Mozilla Firefox, someone has released a Gtk+ installer for Windows that actually works (unofficially) on windows 98! Yay!

Yeah, sure, these people don't officially want to lift a finger to support win98, and suggest that we should upgrade our OS to XP in order to use their software, and they're maybe the same class of people - and maybe the same people - who shout about how well Open Source Software works on these older machines and how we need not buy a new machine all the time, so, sure, they're equally as bad as the Mozilla Firefox people at hypocrisy ...

... but it's good to see someone actually putting their money where their mouth is. Kudos to the gimp-win team, my biggest thanks.

I fucking well hope the GAIM people thank you too. You're providing the only reason that me and a handful of my peers are actually still using their "let's just write some incompatibility into our code and refuse to backport it" product.

Ask me how well I like Freee Software and the elitist mouthpieces who support it, today.

Oops I Did It Again: The Original

Oops I Did It Again: The Original


It's GOT to be fake.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Serenity Trailer

Apple - Trailers - Serenity - Large

Yea, verily, the production values SUCK. The cameras look Soap-Opera cheap and the CGI looks like Babylon V. The critics will still boggle at the sixguns in space thing, even though these are the same guys living WITHOUT the flying cars they were promised 40 years ago.

I think the entire series is doomed, but I'll probably see it 3 times anyway: once to see it, once to see the other parts, and once as a bit of a eulogy.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Peer Pressure � Court Prohibits DVD Copy Protection

Peer Pressure � Court Prohibits DVD Copy Protection

Looks like the French - remember, class, these are the guys who paid for American Independence with their own blood and who are now apparently villians for refusing to assist America in their unsanctioned invasion - are now more free than the Americans.

Hey, wait a minute: wasn't liberty in some charter document or two when America was being formed?

Skype is cool.

I just had a 30 minute Skype conversation with a guy* more than 3000 miles away -- that's 5000km for those of you in modern countries.

The entire duration of the call, I was well aware that I was voice chatting on the Internet: I was using a headset, I was anticipating cut-off and sound degradation, and I was expecting it to suck mightily. Hell, I'm on a NAT and so is he: the chance of us even placing the call effectively is pretty slim, and I'm sure 99% of Voice Chat apps will barf on the idea, or try to route us through a central server in latvia.

But that never happened. The entire call was almost clear, not as clear as a telephone can be but certainly more clear than the average cellular call. In all, it was very cool. My caller was using the built-in mic and sound system on a laptop, and occasionally we got an odd Honk that I attribute completely to his system - for it is windows and it only occured when we both talked at once - but the rest of the time there were no complaints. Even the lag time - a problem with other voice-chats and with astronauts on the space station - was very short and almost hard to pick up.

I encourage anyone even remotely considering the idea to try Skype specifically. They seem to have the whole VOIP thing done and done well. Yay!

*no, the guy I was chatting with was not Pope Benedictus XVI.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI Gets E-Mail Address

Yahoo! News - Pope Benedict XVI Gets E-Mail Address

I invited him to join skype.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Blast Radius: A World of Pain

Blast Radius: A World of Pain: "Your academic career is about to come to an end. You are facing very serious charges, with a probability of very serious time. At this point, there's very little that anybody can do for you. "

Holy Fuck. Some kid is going to get exact what he wished for.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Overheard in New York

Overheard in New York: "Conductor: Look, people. Okay. When we say 'stay clear of the closing doors', that means don't push a closing door back open. Don't stick your hands or feet in the door. You could lose an arm or a leg or get seriously hurt. These trains run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Holding a door open is not worth your life. Don't hold the doors open when they are closing. This isn't rocket science. God, it's not even high school science.

--1/9 train"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A rose, by any other name...

If my full name wasnt handed down from a man who eventually disgraced the family, I'd be much more comfortable using it.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

PvP -- because Parenting isn't a Sometimes Job

PvP -- because Parenting isn't a Sometimes Job

Aw yeah. PvPonline hit it right on the head.

Remember, kids, you do not need to procreate in order to be validated; find something else that you can do, which does not require such a committment.

If you can't compete with some talking head on television for the attention of your kids, then maybe you shouldn't have kids .. or a television: after all, you're obviously unable to raise kids to think for themselves, anyway, and they'll just be a slave to the Fox Broadcasting Station for God in the end.

Better you just don't bring such mindless, pathetically helpless people into the world.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Is it You or just Yourself?

Look, man, where the hell did you learn to speak English?

"Telephone either Jim or myself at..."
"Beverly and myself went to the store..."

Your self?!? Why the hell are we stuck with talking to yourself? We want to talk to the whole you! When your mere self went to the store, did it take the rest of you?

Consider the phrase "I forced myself to down this raw squid for the Fear Factor prize." It's obvious that the Self isn't the one in control here: the will, really the Id, Ego and Super-Ego, the three stooges of the mind, are the ones manipulating the Self for fun and profit. Mainly for fun.

But they the hell would we all want to be stuck with talking to your Mat Puppet? We want the whole you, body AND mind! I mean, a mindless hunk of flesh is not gonna be any good on the telephone unless it's being driven by something of intelligence.

And it's obvious that it's not. Otherwise, you'd know that the only time 'myself' is usable in a real sentence is when it's the sole object and the complete subject is 'I'.

Learn to speak English properly, please: this mis-use of words is quaint on a person of lesser intelligence, but only because we get to laugh at such a person attempting to sound smarter than he or she really is; on a guy as smart as you, it's tacky. You're not nearly as stupid as your countrymen, and I hate it when you resemble them so.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What a great layout

I just tooled past the bog of Michelle Malkin. I cannot believe what a great layout it is. Go there, check out her clean CSS (hey, baby, nice stylesheets!) and move on.