My own domain, and you don't need to use it if you don't wanna
Okay, really I have my own freakin' domain, but people don't understand what I say unless I say 'email domain' or 'web domain' or something.
So I have my own domain. I own the rights to it, or whatever the hell I'm getting when I fork over a freakin' moby wad of cash each year (and no, it's not a .com/net/org because those should be fucking deprecated, so it costs a bit more).
But hey, honey, if you don't want a free email account on my server, that's cool. Gmail will like you, and you will like gmail, until they change their terms of service one day to screw you over. I'm your cousin and you can probably count on me doing more for you and fucking with your data less, but their server is faster -- because google's the shit, let's all face it.
Coolness, because if I no longer need to hook in all the shit to consolidate all your eight different hotmail/yahoo accounts into the one, that's just less work I gotta do. Swell!
Am I pissed? Nah! I'm a bit disappointed because I wasted the time before, but it's something I can use next time (and I just pull the packages for the extra features, now, and save myself the potential security headaches).
Now if I can just keep my other cousin from sending fucking 800Mb ISO image attachments to his/our buddy up north... Actually, I'm more surprised it worked, really, and rather proud my little sendmail handled it without blowing chunks and going all spastic, and he's only done it about once a year for the last 4, so I'm fine.
p.s. Yeah, I'm hosting this little mini-blog on Google's Blogspot. That's because I don't care about it, because google's the Shit as I said, and because G can handle it if they get slashdotted.