Scientists Being Killed? What the Hell?
Where's that tin hat of mine? Holy crap, but this is a nasty-ass coincidence.
.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.
Anyone who uses Bugzilla quickly becomes aware that bugs are not fixed according to their importance with users. At least we agree on that. I know it is, and has been, the position of to keep any advocacy that conflicts with their goals out of public view as much as possible. It looks bad to have a huge list of bugs, that many users are interested in seeing fixed, being ignored for years. It looks even worse when you can click on any bug in that list and read the blatant, egotistical attitude frequently taken by drivers and others when refusing to fix bugs because of petty personal vendettas and for other lame excuses.While I disagree with his method, I really can't find fault with his opinions, and I can easily see how he'd become so disillusioned.
As far as spam, there are email preferences if you do not want to receive bug spam.
However, I am sympathetic to the spam complaint. It would be just as effective to list all of these bugs in a comment to this bug. That way you can still see the list and see which are fixed, and which are not.
Hello from your friends at Planetwide Games! As you know, your 14-day trial period is going to expire on 05/26/2005. You don’t want this to happen - you’ll lose your experience points, your characters, and even worse all the events that are coming up in the next few months.That's interesting, especially because I
Bike girl on cell: Hey, this is Tammy. Yet again you were in my dream. It involved fucking. Call me back.
"CLIMATE change researchers have detected the first signs of a slowdown in the Gulf Stream — the mighty ocean current that keeps Britain and Europe from freezing.Thanks, Yanks.
They have found that one of the “engines” driving the Gulf Stream — the sinking of supercooled water in the Greenland Sea — has weakened to less than a quarter of its former strength."
update: An anonymous rep from xfire sent me e-mail and suggested I try to log on again. They had a bit of a Db problem that week, it appears, and new subscriptions were probably failing to get actually put into authentication. However, upon trying the client, I noticed that it's an extremely chrome-infested CPU- and screen-hogging IM. It's too bad it has such uses as joining the TeamSpeak server your friend is on, for instance, because I end up rebooting my machine twice as often now due tot he memory leaks (the Corel Effect).
Marginally good features, terrible resource pig.
Abortion is a deeply divisive issue in the US.It's not abortion that's divisive: it's the fucking easter-bunny cults that think such a thing is against the teachings of santa or something. THAT's the divisive part.