My Bag of Squid

.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.

Monday, May 02, 2005 - Surprising 'Galaxy' hitchhikes to No. 1 - Surprising 'Galaxy' hitchhikes to No. 1: "'Batman Begins (June 15) might do it, but it's been tough predicting what audiences will respond to,' Gray says."

Here's a bit of a clue: audiences respond to quality. Q-u-a-l-i-t-y. You've heard of it, right? Acting that's more talent than name, writing above the bar set by monkey #76850 on the Shakespeare project, and camera work that's not limped along to the finish by pointless effects.

Yes, H2G2 had effects. But it was also mildly amusing without a preponderance of square jaws and 'splosions.

So. Hollywood: Lose the remakes and make something new. Okay? We can't all be expected to spend our $10 a set on batman and Sin City alone, okay?

Oh. And if the theatres would lower the concession stand prices, then we'd stop smuggling stuff in.


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