My Bag of Squid

.. to kick down the beach. So stand back.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Raw Story | Sources: August terror plot is a 'fiction' underscoring police failures

August terror plot is a 'fiction' underscoring police failures:
'The idea that these people could sit in the plane toilet and simply mix together these normal household fluids to create a high explosive capable of blowing up the entire aircraft is untenable,' said Lt. Col. Wylde, who was trained as an ammunition technical officer responsible for terrorist bomb disposal at the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Sandhurst.
Oh. Really? Oddly enough, we haven't heard that much about this. Then again, those clowns are still trying to tell us that a fully-loaded 737 driven by a talentless newb pilot can perfectly shear light poles, glide 3 feet above a manicured lawn and crash into the only section of the only bomb-proofed wall which wasn't bomb-proofed, all without breaking any other windows, with the engines and wings magically being sucked into the hole the plane made, and with the engines spectacularly disappearing moments before impact so their mass wouldn't blow down the house of cards that this cock-and-bull story has become.

If we'll believe that, we'll believe that amateur chemists can cook napalm in an airplane bathroom without it accidentally turning to acid and burning them horribly. Sure.

Scotland moves forward on Lightening Traffic by Looking Backward

BBC NEWS - Freight move 'eases' congestion:
A new rail freight service which could take more than 200 lorries a week off Scotland's roads has been launched.
Apparently there was something to this 'railway' design of old, where freight travelled in long lines of containers from city to city, piloted by a handful of people instead of a hundred, using one huge engine instead of a hundred large ones, and in a burst of unimpeded traffic coordinated with crossing-gates and flashing lights.

I wish this article had some kind of hard numbers, so that I could chant it as I whacked our leaders on the head with a large blunt object. Fleets of individually-steered vehicles may be versatile in their routes, but if they're all going to the same place anyway they're nothing more than a waste of labour and petrol and a burden on our roadways.

And in the Colonies they're engaged in ripping up railways to make room for bikepaths. Penny-wise and Pound Foolish hits the Environmental front, it seems, with the help of arrogant selfish bicyclists whose inflated sense of self-worth either has them making environmental decisions based on their queer love of a bicycle commute, or has them over-valuing the benefit of having a few hundred people driving their bikes on special elite roadways instead of highways choked with petrol-hungry lorries.

Someone explain just where the actual benefit is of ripping up railways which are now provably all but impossible to replace. Or when was the last subway/tube project completed in the western world?

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Business of Martyrism

On this day, 5 years ago, thousands of Americans died, due to causes directly linked to poverty and a poor health care system. America hasn't invaded the host country over this catastrophic loss of American life, and it continues unchecked today; in fact, it's worse.

Since this day, 5 years ago, 1/10th of a million people died as a belligerent force invaded and has occupied their country.

On a day a week from now, 5 years ago, 11,000 non-Americans died in a disaster which has seen no monuments, no confiscation of surveillance tape, no cover-up rumours so blatantly easy to disprove but for one missing piece of mitigating evidence -- any piece. The news of this disaster barely reached us, and was forgotten a day later.

Since this day, the 11th of November has come and gone 4 times. Remembering the reason for war - and the reason not to go to war - doesn't seem to happen in a place where they can't even get the name of the day right. In two months, to the day, we will probably still be hearing "yeah, we shouldn't invade people, but this reason's different."

Today, the networks are jammed with approved messages of how "things will never be the same," how rebuilding - by definition - will never occur, and how the liability battles have barely seen the light at the end of the sewer tunnel. Of the two countries most connected with this disaster and its apparent perpetrators, one continues to skate with nary a sanction and the other continues to invade other countries in the name of the Empire.

A less blindly arrogant country, I hope, would look toward solving the mystery and prosecuting the people involved, rather than letting those wolves tighten their hold on the henhouse. 'Lesser' countries have.

Piss off. I was there.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Do they Teach Grammar in Canada?

I just read the introductory paragraph to what could have been an interesting article regarding Ubuntu and TeamSpeak 2. Unfortunately, that's as far as I got before I ran into the first mind-numbingly obvious 4th-grade grammar mistake. I took a breath and started again. I made it two words before the next mistake. Then almost a sentence.

The article's author uses combinations such as "the like", so one may assume the writer is over 8. Judging from the rampant problems with the piece, however, I would have placed the writer as a young, mentally-challenged male from a rural part of America where schooling follows more functional goals and students split schooling with, say, field work.

Perhaps I'm misjudging the author, but unfortunately 'he' leaves me little to go with. Maybe after he takes one damned second and proofs the piece, it may look better. Hmm, proofing stuff that's important: what a novel concept. I'd do that here, but, then again, nothing here is important, is it?

Let this be a lesson to you: Stay in school, kids, or you'll end up a busker like this guy.