Is Novell disrespecting SuSE? Wouldn't you?

Apparently some geeks have their tits in a twist because the company which bought the SuSE linux distribution may now be making modifications to the product without consent of the geeks.
How entitled do these outsiders think they are? Do they work at Novell? Do they decide the course of Novell in relation to the market? Do they even have a clue how the market is going? I despise these rags for the very reason that entrenched geeks have their own idea of the sky above their foxhole.
Then again, I have my own bias. I worked for a company which worked with/on the SuSE linux product for a while. I was very surprised that people actually paid money for the product, and figured it had to be a LOT better then the form in which received it. Why, nothing I'd seen before (or since) goes more against the ide abehind Packaged projects under linux, and I've seen nothing I could consider to be a worse kludge than that distro. When they sold to Novell, it only confirmed to me what their secret financial info could not: they were out of money.
Now, I'm sure some people outside of Germany love the SuSE distro, and I will readily acknowledge that I'm being a bit mean toward them. I'm glad they survived as long as they did, but I'm only more pleased that Novell has been able to change things according to its wishes.
Because that's Novell's right. It owns SuSE. Wasn't that clear when it bought the company?
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